

From the interweb….I remember those days well.


Your clothes came from Kmart and they stayed on layaway until school started. Eating out at a restaurant was a thing every now & then!! Fast food was leftovers at home. Eating popsicles was a treat on a hot day. We had fake cigs for candy and you only needed $1 or less. School was mandatory. You took your school clothes off as soon as you got home and put on your play clothes. If no one was home after school, you went to the neighbors. Nobody paid for daycare because we had a key to the house to get in when we got home.

We ate dinner at the table. Our house phone wasn’t always being used. We played Cops and Robbers, 1-2-3 Not It, Red Light Green Light, Hide & Seek, Truth or Dare, Tag, Kickball, Dodgeball & we rode bikes. Girls and Boys played in the street. We came home when the street lights came on. Staying in the house was a punishment and the only thing we knew about being “bored”, “You better find something to do before I find it for you!”

We ate what Mom made for dinner or we ate nothing at all. There was no bottled water; we drank from the tap or the water hose! Phone numbers and address’s were either memorized or written on a folded piece of paper which was kept with you at all times! What were Cell phones? We watched cartoons on Saturday mornings and rode our bikes for hours. We ran around in the streets until dark and came in before the street lights came on.

We were AFRAID OF NOTHING. We watched our mouths around our Elders. If we acted up we got beat with a wooden paddle, switch or belt! These were the good old days. Kids today will never know how it feels to be a real kid, they will never understand my childhood!!

13 thoughts on “Boomers

  1. I remember having a banana seat on my bike. If you were careful you could take a passenger on the back.

  2. That was my childhood. Although we played spotlight at dark until our parents hollered at the noise. They still worked during summer.

  3. We came in when the moms hollered, ate supper, & went back out. No streetlights out there, and it gets dark late here. After super, back out to play until dark or we were hollered or again.
    Acorn wars in the fall. Getting sent to pick blackberries for a pie, or alternately getting pecan-cracking duty on the back step toward the same end.

  4. Oh, and I had a banana-seat bike that Dad had welded an extra set of forks onto, so I had a redneck shopper. Didn’t lastl ong before I went back to a single-length. Choppers may be cool, but they’re not for hilly TN. Still don’t ride a chopper at 59, for that matter, and I don’t even have to pedal now!

  5. Rode bikes all over town, Halloween we trick or treated with a pillow case! Everybody knew whose kid you were so mind your Ps and Qs. Life was so much simpler then.

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