All According To Plan

All According To Plan

Obama agenda – Turn America into a third world hell hole where the ruling class of political elites and liberal millionaires run everything from their well armed and secure mansions.
– Let Them Eat Cake

The Great War has got slighted in the history books, but that may be changing. Outside the Rousseauist bubble, more and more of us are taking a fresh look at this war in the context of civilizational suicide. Watching the American ruling class feverishly try to flood the country with third world peasants in an attempt to break the back of the middle-class, one cannot help but think things are headed to a dramatic denouement. One hundred years ago the ruling elites of the civilized world tried to commit suicide. They seem to be at it again.


The question that naturally arises when looking at the prelude to the Great War is how did these people not see what was coming? As John points out, all of the principles were highly civilized and highly cultivated. These were not savage people lead by glory seeking leaders. The rulers of Europe were often related and certainly familiar with one another though social connections. They were highly educated men leading a class of men with much to lose and little to gain from war. Yet, the actions of a lone madman set the civilized world on fire. keep reading

Sound familiar?
Obama is a traitor

One thought on “All According To Plan

  1. Cicero know something about the U.S. 2000-plus years ago, long before there was a U.S. And how could he know that our country would be well and truly fucked over by an ass-clown like the Ayatollah Obama (may his head be forever shit upon by pigs)?

    I posted a similar quotation by another prophet (if you will), H. L. Mencken, couple of weeks ago:
    “As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at least and the White House will be occupied by an outright fool and complete narcissistic moron.”

    How could he have hit it any closer to what the White House is infested with today. Where is Mencken when we need him? And Will Rogers, Mark Twain, Thomas Nast, and Mike Royko also?

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