6 thoughts on “Intelligent And Articulate Argument

  1. The only thing more shocking than her ignorance is the ignorance of the dolts that keep voting for her. They must never see her on the news or TV.

    1. Admiral – Welcome to the twisted world of officials elected due to color of skin vs. character and intelligence. Sad

  2. Jeffi, Your headline over the video does not come close to this woman’s abilities. She is neither intelligent not articulate. That is like calling The Ayatollah Obama (may his head be forever shit upon by pigs) intelligent and articulate. He may be fairly (emphasis on “fairly”) intelligent, but he is damn sure not articulate, especially without his handy-dandy teleprompter. And that thing is fed by any number of sycophantic speech writers who at least have some modicum of seemingly moderate articulation. When The Ayatollah tries to say anything off-the cuff, impromptu, if you will, all that comes out is a whole bunch of uhs, ers, ums, etc., with a lot of gobbledegook in between. And we mustn’t forget about the endless lies that he expects us to believe. We can always tell when he is lying. When is mouth is open and his lips are moving.

    1. Scottie – As you know I was being sarcastic with the title. Still amazes me anyone would elect these people, obviously IQ isn’t a requirement.

    1. Jerome – Yep, you are correct on that one. Affirmative action has lowered the bar across the board. I weep for this countries future.

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