Russia/Ukraine…Outrage – US/Mexico…meh

Russia/Ukraine…Outrage – US/Mexico…meh

Obviously this regime has zero problems with illegals crossing the US southern borders, even if they are Mexican military. Shameful.

In January, soldiers from this lonely outpost of the Mexican Army drew their guns on U.S. Border Patrol agents just 50 yards into the United States. Then in March, they opened fire on Javier Jose Rodriguez, a young Tucson man visiting family in Sásabe when he was driving around the town early on a Saturday morning after drinking beers with friends. Rodriguez was shot in the arm and in the side, he spent three weeks at University of Arizona Medical Center.

The United States’ reaction has been tepid, angering people who live and patrol along the Arizona border.

Sovereign border?


“From what I understand, this has happened hundreds of times before,” says Sylvia Longmire, a border security analyst whose recent book, Border Insecurity, details the challenges and failings of some Homeland Security operations along the Arizona-Sonora border. The soldiers told the agent they’d gotten lost while pursuing a drug smuggler.

“However, I believe there was some confusion as to whether that’s what the Mexican Army was doing because there was no evidence found by the Border Patrol of any drug smugglers in the area,” Longmire said. keep reading

5 thoughts on “Russia/Ukraine…Outrage – US/Mexico…meh

      1. And the hell of it is that he seems to be winning. Only because the Republican “leadership” in the country, at all levels, Federal, state and local, are happily letting it happen, aided and abetted, I believe, criminally, by the mainstream media. Like I wrote about in another posting, the Republicans in Congress do not have the balls to hang an impeachment indictment on him.

        I almost wish this country were under Parliamentary Law, where we could put the boot to corrupt politicians, namely, but not limited to, The Ayatollah Obama and Shyster General Holder with a simple “no confidence” vote.

        1. Scottie – Obama is only going to get so far. He has divided the country, made it weaker in the eyes of the world, and has been an absolute failure in turning the economy around. I believe Americans who elected him are waking up to the mistake they made. But I would also agree with you that the GOP does not have the balls to try and impeach the first African-American president.

          1. I sure hope you’re right, Jeffi. As to our “Lord Supreme Leader, The Ayatollah Kim Jong Obama, I would dearly love to make a snarky comment about him and an infamous guy from the 60s, but I don’t want some goons knocking on my door. You may know who I’m referring to.

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