2 thoughts on “Common Core Crapola

  1. If you’re asking about this specific problem, I sort of understand it – the number line, units of ones, tens, hundreds, etc. Not saying it’s the best way to teach math, or the most effective, but I get the theory behind it.

    If you’re asking about the overall objective of Common Core, IMO it’s pretty damn obvious. It’s designed to embed a liberal perspective in our kids.

    Common Core is also one of those ‘one size fits all’ notions applied to public education. Think about our university system. We let each university set its own curriculum, courses, structure, policies, etc. It’s worked pretty well- we have arguably the best higher education system in the world. Why don’t we use that same approach in K-12? Politics – again, the left wants to indoctrinate our youth.

    I despise Common Core. It should be fought tooth and nail by all concerned citizens.

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