Putin Continues To Show Russias Teeth

Putin Continues To Show Russias Teeth

Oh I’m sorry, what part of the electing a community organizer made you think he knew anything about foreign policy? Hell he knows nothing about domestic policy. Running a the most powerful country in the world should not be left in the hands of Acorn. Whats wrong with you people!?

While much Western attention has been bestowed on Russia’s military buildup near Ukraine, Moscow also began a massive nuclear offensive exercise on Thursday.

According to the Russian daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta, on Thursday Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces began a massive three-day exercise involving 10,000 soldiers and 1,000 pieces of equipment from more than 30 units. The major purpose of the drill, according to the report—which cites multiple senior Russian military officers—is to ensure Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces have sufficient readiness to conduct offensive operations involving the massive and simultaneous use of nuclear missiles.tumblr_n0e43h4Gyk1t0k6j4o1_500


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