Bloggers Are Not Worthy

Bloggers Are Not Worthy

Can’t find when she gave this speech. Just says her Facebook page. Attacking the Constitution seems to be one of her favorite things.

tumblr_n2o69t5pGF1ss82fuo1_500“Freedom of speech is a privilege intended for educated professionals… should be illegal for a high school dropout to promote anti-government propaganda on his five dollar blog, if he cannot properly verify his statements.” – Diane Feinsetin

Here is a video clip Pissed from The Feral Irishman  hooked me up with.

3 thoughts on “Bloggers Are Not Worthy

  1. My impression is that she is trying to define reporting in such a way that when one is defined OUT of that profession and one opines on the net one may be accused of “reporting” without “credentials” and then not be allowed to do so. It’s a clever but ruthless attack on free speech if I understand what she is saying. A separate point here is that there is very little pure reporting that happens anymore. Much if not most of what is presented as reporting is in fact slanted editorializing that uses innuendo, implies untruths, and leads the reader/listener to infer untruth as the “reporter” intends them to do so. This is called propaganda by some, disinformation by others , and still others call it misleading, lying, or deception. Free speech guarantees the CITIZEN their CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHT OF SELF EXPRESSION be it via speech, video, audio, or printed media to voice the facts and opine on them as they see fit. It’s called the first amendment, and anyone not understanding that or not TOLERATING IT has no business in our govt making law, or policy, judging, or enforcing law.

    1. Mike – Well said, and that is the point. If they can’t control alternative media like they do MSM, then accurate information gets out. Of course you can’t trust everything but I trust Breitbart, Fox online, and PJ Media versus NBC, CBS, or ABC.

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