Boston Marathon Announces Security Changes

Boston Marathon Announces Security Changes

Just as you would think Boston is strengthening it’s security presence for the marathon. I can’t help but remember the old saying, “if you sacrifice a few liberties for a little more security you will lose both.”

Now let me be clear, whatever they have to do to keep people safe I am all for, I am just saddened that this is what America has come down to.
Seems to me that we have lost a lot of freedom already thanks to the religion of peace.

Besides setting up their own surveillance cameras, authorities are working with businesses along the route that may have their own cameras and can turn them to face the course, said Col. Tim Alben of the Massachusetts State Police.

The National Guard will deploy 400 soldiers, trained as military police, along the course, and the 3,500 police officers will spread out among eight cities and towns that take part in the race.

2 thoughts on “Boston Marathon Announces Security Changes

  1. Why not just ban all bags, backpacks and other items and require everyone within 10 miles….including the runners….to be completely nude?

    1. Toejam – Sucks huh. I know everyone wants to be safe but sheesh, where is the firewall? Back when I was a kid we probably saw one cop during the parade, because he was in it! Now you have thousands patrolling a marathon….yikes.

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