Health Care Needed Reform Not An Entitlement

Health Care Needed Reform Not An Entitlement

This is why health care needed to be reformed. Having a third party, (insurance companies), between you and your doctor/hospital blew costs up. Obamacare adds a fourth party, what did you think would happen?

6 thoughts on “Health Care Needed Reform Not An Entitlement

  1. Gotta find a way to pay for the massive amount of free care
    that hospitals are required to provide to the tens of millions of people who cannot or will not pay for their care. This is a federal la….refuse to GIVE away care and Big Brother will fine you into oblivion.

    If Taco Hell or MickeyD’s had to operate under the same legal requirements by .gov and the constant issue of “get rich quick” lawsuit environments hospitals face a hamburger would be $500 instead of $2-3.

    1. Dan – Agreed. A Texas hospital spokesman told congress about the costs of medical care for uninsured illegals, they can’t turn them away but there is nobody to cover costs. She said it was in the millions per year, for one hospital.

  2. Wonder why the insurance companies don’t gripe?

    Cause that $800 on the patient’s copy of the bill is NOT what they actually pay.

    It’s a big pyramid scheme which incluses the Government, insurance companies and the for profit hospitals.

    The patients are the unwilling fodder.

    1. Toejam – You are correct, everybody but the sheeple get paid. That’s why state to state insurance and other ideas promoting competition would bring costs down naturally, not another bureaucracy like Obamacare that just adds to the problem.

  3. Medical insurance premiums are rising for the same reason that medical fees of all classes are rising many times faster than inflation: distortion of supply and demand due to government intervention in what should be a free market.

    Look. It’s really, really simple.

    If you want to buy a tomato, you can go to your choice of competing supermarkets, and spend 50 cents on a bag of tomatoes.

    But if suddenly one day the government decides that access to tomatoes is “a fundamental human right,” and starts running up the national debt printing trillions of dollars of checks for free tomatoes, the demand for tomatoes goes up. You go to the supermarket and find yourself standing in line behind fifty people all waving their million-dollar free-tomato checks in the air. Do you suppose the tomatoes are going to get marked to a higher price? If not, why not, given that the demand for them just increased tremendously and that the number of dollars in the economy devoted to chasing tomatoes has just gone up tremendously?

    Medicare and Medicaid are not only unconstitutional, they have also driven the price of basic medical services into the stratosphere. Compare the price of veterinary tumor removal surgery on a dairy cow and on a human being. They use the same tools and the same technology, yet one costs $400 and one costs $400,000.

    The government created the housing bubble by interfering in the real estate market and the banking business, pumping up demand and pumping money in as fast as the market could absorb it, even forcing the banks at gunpoint to make a trillion dollars in home loans to unemployable crackheads that everybody knew were never ever going to be able to make the payments. Government grants and loans are the reason why college tuition costs are going up by 20% a year and more, too.

    Get the government out of the medicine business, out of the housing business, out of the banking business, out of the energy business, and out of the education business, and you’ll see these prices come down to match the demands in a free market.

    1. Me – Very well written and well thought out example of what the government is doing, I could not agree more. Like I said, originally we had two parties conducting a business transaction, then insurance companies stepped in for three, now Obamacare puts a fourth in the mix. Disaster on the horizon my friend.

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