Climate Change And Obama

Climate Change And Obama


His 2008 announcement served as a warning that his administration would do whatever it can to put in place a carbon tax. Basically, go with the failed science for more revenue and appease your base climate fanatics.

Obama is willing to let left wing agendas dictate policy even when those decisions are bad for America, and that my friends is a sad excuse of a President.

Alan Caruba has an excellent piece on this over at Theo Spark, below is an excerpt and I suggest you read the entire thing.

By Alan Caruba

There is no reason for the U.S. to be in such a slow recovery from the financial crisis of 2008. If President Obama would get out of the way, our national debt could be dramatically reduced and hundreds of thousands of jobs would be created in the nation’s energy sector, leading to the expansion of its manufacturing sector and still more jobs.

One factor stands in the way of this brighter economic future and that is President Obama and those who direct the work of the Environmental Protection Agency—an enemy of the coal industry—and the Department of the Interior which has slowed the provision of leases to energy companies to expand the discovery and extraction of energy resources.

Instead, Obama has delayed the construction of Canada’s Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would generate jobs to build it and jobs resulting from it. Green says that “As unimaginable as it might have been just five years ago, the right policy decisions could see the U.S. meet 100 percent (100%) of its liquid fuel needs domestically or from Canada by 2014.”

Energy industries already send $85 million a day to the U.S. Treasury in income taxes, royalty payments, and other fees. Obama, though, wants to raise the nation’s borrowing limits after having added six trillion dollars in debt in his first term.

It was Obama who wasted a trillion dollars on a failed “stimulus”, discovering belatedly that there were few “shovel-ready” jobs while at the same time wasting billions in loans to wind and solar companies that went into bankruptcy shortly after receiving them.
Thanks to the EPA 153 coal-fired plants have been shut down!
The Obama administration’s justification for its policies is the bogus claim that carbon dioxide (CO2) is responsible for “global warming” or “climate change” when it plays NO role whatever regarding the Earth’s climate.

The same lies the Obama and Democrats in Congress, as well as the Health and Human Services department told Americans about the Affordable Health Act are reflected in their lies about the nation’s energy sector.
Obama has been waging a war on America’s energy needs and the benefits that would result from its expansion.

2 thoughts on “Climate Change And Obama

  1. As I see it the “America’s economic recovery problem” is directly related to Obama’s attempt to bring “American Capitalism” to its knees, destroy the Constitution and then establishing a Socialist State run by progressive Liberals.

    Then no one will have to think, be entrepeneurs or work. The government will be their sole benefactor.

    All hail Big Bro!

    1. Toejam – Just the same old same old. Obama wants to do something he thinks is great, it is actually stupid, we disagree with it, we are racist.

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