Maybe Romney Was Right….Again: UPDATE

Maybe Romney Was Right….Again: UPDATE

Update: Chris did a bang up job in his apology sermon, took full responsibility, the buck stops here crap. I don’t think he will be the worse for ware over this. Short of a smoking gun, Christie is still in the drivers seat for the 2016 GOP nod. Do I trust him? No. But time will tell what true colors the man has.


Romney chose not to pick Chris Christie as his running mate in the 2012 presidential run. One of the reasons for not selecting Christie was his penchant for petty vengeance and temperament. The vetting process alerted Romney to potential distractions that could derail any chance he may have at unseating Obama. After not being chosen for the VP candidacy, Christie showered affection on Obama during a visit to the Governors state for an assessment of the damage from Hurricane Sandy. So over the top was the embrace of Obama many people asserted that Christie did it to get back at Romney for the VP slight.

Now here we are 14 months later finding out that yes, Chris Christie is a bully. His decision to cause a huge traffic jam out of vengeance against another politician. This may have delayed emergency vehicles that potentially led to the death of a woman who was waiting for that service. For Christie to not look at the big picture of this decision should pretty much scare the hell out of voters. This is going to mess up the 2016 presidential elections.

I liked Christie. I liked almost everything about him. I also thought he was a shoe in as Romney s running mate. Now I can see why Romney hedged.

Reap the whirlwind Chris, karma is a vengeful bitch.images

4 thoughts on “Maybe Romney Was Right….Again: UPDATE

  1. Christie showed his true colors when he sucked up to Obama after Hurricane Sandy. At that point I lost all respect for him.

    That said, however, the MSM is going into full attack mode over this. Too bad they didn’t investigate Fast and Furious or Benghazi with the same zeal.

    1. Tim – No kidding, a little heat on the Obama scandals might change a few things. Unfortunately the only blood in the water is republican, not the assumed sacred water they carry for Obama.

  2. You guys are correct. Christie has disappointed me too. But since I moved to North Carolina his State antics don’t affect me any more.

    Ya, the MSM is like a bunch of piranhas in going after this but were like sock puppets of the Democrats when it came to Benghazi, Fast & Furious and the NSA and IRS scandals.

    Any hope for America surviving and returning to a Democracy is fading fast.

    1. Toejam – The systematic destruction by the left has been put in hyper drive since Obammer came to power, and I fear we can’t stop it short of a civil uprisisng. The GOP certainly seems impotent to handle the situation.

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