No Pass For Clinton

No Pass For Clinton

Bill Clinton does not get a pass.

The one man who should have been impeached, not for lying to the American people about his pathetic affair with an intern, but his part in the housing bubble which led to the economic collapse. It is a fact that his red lines of the banking industry forcing banks to make questionable loans opened up the doors for sub prime mortgages that wiped out the housing industry. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were implicit in this corrupt activity and mortgage companies jumped on the bandwagon offering toxic loans and selling them off to investors who then packaged them and sold them as securities. I witnessed family and friends who lost everything due to the collapse, and Bill Clinton was the driving force of the entire mess.

Now he wants to be the moral voice telling Obama to make it right with the people who have lost their insurance due to Obamacare? Give me a fucking break, why this piece of shit has any respect after what he did is beyond me, yet the media swoons over him more than they do Obama, and that is saying a mouthful…sorry Monica…no pun intended. Oh yeah, his beloved wife Hillary is the 2016 favorite for President of the United States, yeah that’s right, Benghazi Hillary. Lord help us.


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