4 thoughts on “One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other

  1. This applies to your last three posts…

    My father was a strict, stern, but forgiving man. About the only thing he could not abide was a lie. That has carried over to me, and been imprinted on my DNA since early childhood. That’s the main reason I despise people like Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, obama, etc.

    That’s also the main reason I despair for the future of this country. Liars are no longer treated with the contempt they deserve, but are given a free pass by the media and many people today. Honor and integrity no longer have any meaning. We have become a nation of ‘the end justifies the means.’

    This is not the country I grew up in…

    1. Tim – I was raised the same way. I was also raised there are no handouts, self reliance was to be treasured…freedom goes hand in hand with that mind set. I understand progressing as a country but the progressives have got their foot in the door and will stop at nothing to move the agenda forward, and if that means flat out lying, so be it.
      Problem with lying, as my mother told me when I was just a pup, you have to tell another lie to cover the initial lie. A vicious circle that will bite you in the end.

      Problem with my mothers theory, Obama has a machine to provide cover for the lies. Sad day indeed.

  2. Obama knows the truth just the same as Slick Willie did when he said: “I did not have sex with that woman.”

    Logic says: If Obama really doesn’t know the truth then he can’t be guilty of lying.

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