Liberal Tolerance

Liberal Tolerance

















Here’s a tweet to Michelle Malkin from Indra Seunarine, a Baltimore attorney (Civil Rights, Immigration, Narcotics) who preaches “Truth and Beauty for the Common Good Pax Americana (American Peace)”.

She’s worked for Bill Clinton, Social Security Administration, American Red Cross, City of Baltimore, Habitat for Humanity, American Lung Association, National Wildlife Federation…..basically she can’t hold a job more than a year, but still leaves a stain everywhere she goes.

10 thoughts on “Liberal Tolerance

  1. It justifies my theory that the Liberals have a deep seated “bully cultural trait”.

    If it don’t fit………FORCE it!

    If they don’t agree………Belittle, slander and brow-beat!

    The militant liberals all need to be taken behind the barn and beaten with clubs till they adopt civil manners

    1. Odie – Loved watching the MSNBC bunch twist in the wind trying to spin Syria, NSA, IRS blah blah blah. They can’t defend the position so they just get angry.

  2. HA HA HA – i am no lily livered liberal. i am a committed radical of the christian left. A product of Columbia University’s Political Science Department, I was given my own radio show in NYC in 1986 apparently because i was one of the loudest feminist voices on campus. My politics are so far left, i can hear the voice of Benito whispering in my right ear as to how to make the MARC run on time.

    1. Indra – Good to hear from you. Not surprising to see where you were educated, as noted many times on this blog, academia has been infiltrated by lefties like you and have been indoctrinating weak minded students to follow blindly. I can see they have been successful in your “education”.
      I am just a hardworking uneducated American doing everything I can to denounce everything you stand for.

      1. pardon me but your ignorance is showing. alas, ignorance is bliss. fyi, columbia university is the only school where the students took the campus by force in 1968.

        1. Indra – Tweeting an individual telling them to “shut the fuck up” and calling them ugly trash shows your true colors. Your claim of my ignorance may or may not be true. But I don’t lower myself to name calling. That is the difference between liberals and conservatives. We are willing to argue the issues without name calling. Liberals act like petulant children when they don’t get their own way. So take your ball and go home kiddo.

          1. Really? It took you eleven months to come up with that come back, wow, ya got me. And doesn’t bringing a gun anywhere go against your left wing agenda?

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