Obama Is Doing Whatever, Whenever He Wants, And Nobody Has The Courage To Stop Him

Obama Is Doing Whatever, Whenever He Wants, And Nobody Has The Courage To Stop Him

Obama and his minions are using executive privilege to bypass congress and do whatever the hell he wants, and it’s working.

And so with President Obama and federal courts’ rulings: they have no means of enforcing their rulings. As any intemperate two-year old knows, you can do anything you want until someone compels you to stop. And so Obama can order whatever he wishes until he is compelled to stop.
The courts lacks the means of such compulsion. That leaves the Congress to rein in the executive. (Please excuse me while I erupt in peals of derisive laughter.) Congress’s only authority to rein in a president consists of two things:

  • Withhold funding for departments and agencies under executive authority, or
  • Impeach him. 

That’s it. (In 1834, the Congress voted to censure President Andrew Jackson. Jackson correctly declared that there was no Constitutional authority for it and basically told the Congress they could either impeach him or get stuffed, although he put it a little more pithily.)

Since those are the only two options available, and since the Congress is controlled by the Democrats (the Republican majority in the House meaning nothing here), neither loss of funding nor impeachment will ever be used to restrain this president.

The goal of the entire Democrat party is to be the permanent, sole political authority in the country. This is the actual transformation that Barack Obama promised to great applause in his 2008 campaign. And we are getting transformed good and hard:

Obama can do this not because the Constitution or law authorize it. Most definitely they actually prohibit it. He is getting away with it because there is no one who can stop him and almost no one who wants to stop him. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, in the Democrat party is in the slightest interested in reining in Obama’s expansion of executive diktat because they know what few of the rest of us are awakening to: the Democrats are never going to lose that executive authority again. Let me be clear, with a promise to elucidate another day: there is never going to be another Republican president.


What Obama is doing overall is suspending the Constitution piecemeal and making statutes passed by Congress irrelevant. But it’s more than that. He’s making Congress itself irrelevant along with the courts, and hauling all meaningful power into his own hands. Found here


4 thoughts on “Obama Is Doing Whatever, Whenever He Wants, And Nobody Has The Courage To Stop Him

  1. Obama’s a BULLY.

    And bullies know 99.9% of the people won’t push back. Especially those who are working away, with kids in school and a mortgage to pay.

    However, those living day-to-day on freebees like welfare, ObamaCare, food stamps, free cellphones and rent subsidities will kick the crapolla out of anyone who even mentions reducing their “stuff”.

    Plus he still has a mid-90% favorable rating amongst blacks (see above paragraph). And they’re the ones who will enforce their masters will.

    1) Black Panthers are cocaine snorting killers.

    2) Tea Partyers are Starbucks latte addicted sweater knitters.

    Get the drift?

    1. Toejam – Absolutely I am following your drift, the point of the post was what can anybody legally do about it? This thing is sewn up for decades, and get ready for the rapture.

        1. Toejam – If you are anything like me, the horn you may be hearing is a call to the local pub. I get them confused all the time.

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