Child Molesters Castrated…Yep As It Should Be

Child Molesters Castrated…Yep As It Should Be

I don’t know where to fall on this because I was raised to hate Russia with a passion, but me thinks they seem to grasp some common sense…is that wrong?

The Russian parliament has approved a law on pedophilia in a first reading. From now on people found guilty of sex crimes against children under the age of 14 will face chemical castration, while repeat offenders face a life sentence.

Obviously running muslims out of town.

6 thoughts on “Child Molesters Castrated…Yep As It Should Be

  1. Actually it would be more of a deterrent if the process was the complete surgical removal of the entire package while the pedophile was under a “spinal anesthetic” and thus wide awake and able to see and hear the chewing as the removed items were fed to a ravinous pit bull.

    In addition, since Tattooing has taken over the world as the latest art form, as an added punishment a nice size: PERVERT in bright red on the forehead would signal the offender’s presence

    Gotta pee sittin down now you pervert.

  2. I have a relatively young daughter so I have a special interest in seeing pedophiles neutered by the harshest means possible.

    Sometimes when I read about one of these sick asshats it’s like the guy in the cell with Lou Costello who goes nuts every time “Niagra Falls” is said.

    Slooooooowly I turned, step by step……..

    If you haven’t see that YouTube it.

    1. Toejam – It’s a sad commentary when Russia does what common sense dictates and American libs would have a shit fit if we chose to do that here. And look at Russians stance towards islamic immigration to that country, not having it, yet we make it easier for them to get to America. Some backward ass shit man.

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