This Is What We Paid Education Taxes For?

This Is What We Paid Education Taxes For?

So there you have it. In one incoherent, mumbled, perjured moment we see what the education system has produced. Rachel Jeantel states that she is educated and has a 3.0 grade point average. Really? The girl can’t read cursive, (which we found out after it was proven when she perjured herself saying she wrote the letter then recanted her story after being asked to read her supposed hand written letter), but I digress. What does this say about a system that pays more money per student than any other country in the world? What does it say about Rachel? Is it a failure of the school system or are we wasting money on children who have no intentions of  getting an education?

As far as I can tell, all large portion of inner city kids are being sent to school more as a form a child care paid by others. Liberal policies of lowering the bar for minority students is not giving them a hand up, it is producing a bunch of uneducated baby mamas and dead beat dads. So they are in double jeopardy, uneducated people, living on the public dole, producing more illegitimate children that fall into the same evil cycle where the more kids you have the more welfare you enjoy. You send those kids to school, who no knowledge other than what their parents have taught them, which is how to work the system. So there is no incentive for these kids to learn anything. School is just a social activity and when they are kicked out or drop out, they know they can just game the system if they fail in school.

I feel bad for any well intentioned teacher who has to deal with this lot, but from what I have seen and read, union teachers don’t care so much for the kids as they do about their paycheck and security. That is sad and this is what they produce. Congratulations liberal politicians, you are as much to blame as anyone.

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