La Raza…You Have Got To Be Kidding

La Raza…You Have Got To Be Kidding

I can’t believe these piece of shit leaders we have are doing this. La Raza is the spanish movement to get the land back from the Hidalgo Agreement, which is Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and parts of Utah and Colorado, also known as Aztlan. They want the land and will redistribute property owned by Americans.

So our idiots in washington do this:

The Housing and Urban Development Department is spending $42 million in federal funding for “housing counseling.” The money is going to far left groups, including La Raza, for free assistance on foreclosure avoidance.

The New American reported:

The Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) is doling out $42 millionin federal funding for housing counseling grants to 468 local, regional, and national organizations. Intended to prevent foreclosures and assist new home buyers, the grants will offer free assistance on foreclosure avoidance as well as educate buyers on how to rent or purchase a home. HUD alleges that beneficiaries of these services will help combat predatory lending practices, because buyers will be equipped with information to help them evade mortgage scams, high interest rates, and unreasonably high appraisals.

“The HUD-approved counseling agencies this funding supports are crucial in helping struggling families on a one-to-one basis to manage their money, navigate the homebuying process, and secure their financial futures,” asserted HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. “Housing counseling works for families that are in need, but also for entire neighborhoods and our housing market more broadly.”

The funding stems from the fiscal 2012 budget that reinstated HUD-approved counseling services after Congress slashed such funding in 2011. According to HUD, the funding supplements the $2.5 billion supplied to states for housing programs as an extension of the federal government’s $25-billion mortgage servicing settlement.

A handful of those “HUD-approved” organizations include high-profile liberal activist groups. One of the organizations, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) — which in Spanish means “the Race” — harvested roughly $1.7 million from the federal housing agency. The largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy group in the nation, the NCLR works on a myriad of social and economic issues pertaining to the Hispanic community, including labor, housing, education, and healthcare.

What part of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA don’t these bastards understand?

2 thoughts on “La Raza…You Have Got To Be Kidding

  1. ummm- no. La Raza is NOT the movement to get those lands back. And wow- a whopping 4% of the funds go to one of the few groups that will help the latino community of homeowners in these times.

    Millions of america got caught up in the housing mess. Some were idiots- some were just normal people chasing the american dream. But the more people we can help stay in their homes, work out reasonable terms with the lenders who bear much of the responsibility in this mess, the better off our nation will be.

  2. As far as La Raza, youtube it and you will see what the ultimate goal is. As far as 42 million for “counseling” for special interest, I don’t get it. If you want to become a homeowner, do your research, ask yourself questions: Can I afford it? Are the rates agreeable? Am I getting the best buy at this time? It has been 4 years since the bubble burst. If you have not lost your house or are considering buying now, I would think you would be smart enough to not fall into that trap again.

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