Why So Angry?

Why So Angry?









Texas Democrats use hangers as props at the Texas Legislature.
Why do they all look so pissed off? A women has 5 months to decide whether or not to abort her child under this bill. Any rational person would think that after five months the “Mother” of the unborn child could or should have made a choice one way or the other. Yet Texas Democrats show up with hangers as props.

Our society has broken down to a point where common sense is tossed out the window in favor of liberal agendas.

And good lord the hateful scowl on all of the ladies pictured. How would you like to be married to one of them……a chilling prospect to be sure.


A Nod to Weasel Zippers for the image.

6 thoughts on “Why So Angry?

  1. They’re pulling the old “5 year old child’s” I wanna get MY WAY bordering on a temper-tantrum scowl.

    Liberal/progressives have that bully tactic in their arsenal and use it to intimidate others.

    Like the jungle animals snarling and pawing the ground to push back their foe without really tangling with them.

    1. Toejam – The first time I saw the picture I was floored at how angry they looked, and for what, to insure the right to kill an unborn child later in a pregnancy so it can feel even more pain. Disgusting.

      1. “Disgusting”…..is what they are!

        They’re pissed because they want to kill innocent babies,

        But ask anyone of them if it would be OK to kill George Zimmerman whether he’s found guilty or not guily and their Sardonic smiles would spread across their faces and they shook their heads in the affirmative.

        1. Toejam – The hypocrisy runs deep with all of the left, kinda like “the force” in Star Wars but different.

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