

Obama thinks that if he had a son he would look like Trayvon , then I assume he would think the same way Trayvon thinks, apparently the kids nowadays think “cracker” is a term of endearment.

Embedded in his remarks in the Rose Garden was a particular message about being a black parent.

“If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” Obama said. “When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids.”


West asked about Martin characterizing Zimmerman as a “creepy-ass cracker” — which Jeantel felt was not a racist remark.

West questioned Jeantel about why she felt the shooting was racial. Jeantel pointed to Martin’s description of “the person that was watching him and following him.” West repeated, “Describing the person is what made you think it was racial?” Jeantel agreed.

To that point, West recalled Jeantel’s previous testimony — during which she said Martin described Zimmerman as a “creepy-ass cracker.”

“So it was racial, but it was because Trayvon Martin put race in this,” West pressed. “You don’t think that’s a racial comment?”

Jeantel replied simply, “No.

A little Wiki love:

In his speech “The Ballot or the Bullet“, Malcolm X used the term “cracker” in reference to white people in a pejorative context.[16] In one passage, he remarked, “It’s time for you and me to stop sitting in this country, letting some cracker senators, Northern crackers and Southern crackers, sit there in Washington, D.C., and come to a conclusion in their mind that you and I are supposed to have civil rights. There’s no white man going to tell me anything about my rights.”[16]

In 2008, former President Bill Clinton used the term “cracker” on Larry King Live to describe white voters he was attempting to win over for Barack Obama: “You know, they think that because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the “cracker vote” there.”[17]


Ok, what say you? Racist or mere cultural euphemism? I say racist as fuck! Any questions?

2 thoughts on ““Cracker”

    1. Toejam – When they figured out that they could profit from racism they had all the reason in the world to promote it. And MSNBC hires one of them to do just that, shameful.

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