Closing The Barn Door After The Horse Is Out

Closing The Barn Door After The Horse Is Out

Amnesty. Our elected officials are in the process of destroying what is left of this country. If they do get amnesty passed, (which I think will happen), kiss the American way of life as you remember it goodbye.

I have heard all of the blathering about compassion and bringing this part of the population out of the shadows because these poor people can’t do anything out of fear of deportation. Well, yeah, that’s the point when you break the law, which is exactly what these people in the shadows have done. Why should I have compassion for an illegal act. They crossed in whatever fashion in the shadows knowing that this activity is against the laws of the land. As much as I don’t like Obamacare it will be the law of the land. If I don’t pay a fine or buy health insurance, I can go to jail. So why should 20 million illegals get a free pass?

Make no mistake here, these people will go on the welfare roles, have as many kids possible for anchor babies, put them in our schools, get on Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, and not pay their share to cover the costs. I work with them, I have seen how they scam the system, if you think e-verify works think again. It is well known where to get a social security card to bypass e-verify. There is a huge black market in SS numbers and if they get caught, they go under a different name and get a new number. Have you been to an emergency room lately? Have you stood in line at your local market and watched a woman from south of the border somewhere, with up to five or six kids paying with an EBT card? Have you watched your local news and took notice of how many criminal acts were committed by someone with a mexican name?

You can say that I am profiling a group of people and that they all act the same, not at all. I am sure that there are many here legally and only want to be Americans and left alone, unfortunately it is not one or two bad apples that are spoiling the lot, it is the other way around. Peaceful law abiding Mexicans seem to be the exception not the rule.

So why the push for amnesty? Why would Obama and his minions be pushing so hard?  Easy answer, votes.
When amnesty is established, Democrats just gained 20 million voters. Don’t you think  that the illegals will be loyal to the party that just gave them a free pass to the land of milk and honey? And Republicans are jumping on board because they want to show the Spanish population that they too understand their plight, and would love to get a few million voting GOP, because some jackass said Romney lost the election because he could not curry favor with the Spanish voters. Bullshit. When you have to go against your constituency to garner votes you have given up your principles and are not worthy to speak for us.

To say that any politician will be held liable for voting for amnesty is ridiculous, the horse has left the barn at that point. You can’t undo amnesty, 20 million people just became legal and so you elect a politician to replace the one that voted “yay”? So what, you just handed the keys to the country to the Democrats and you won’t get it back for decades. And what is sad, if you look at Detroit, Chicago, or Sacramento, when you have Democrats in charge for any length of time, they destroy the city. So I don’t know that America can survive decades of Democratic control, even if Republicans control congress, we can see with this vote that they don’t care about conservative American values, they care about power.

So wake up kids, this is important! Contact your congressman and senators and scream “Hell No” on amnesty. I just did, It’s all I can do at this point.


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