Jay Carney Spinning Wildly But Missing The Point

Jay Carney Spinning Wildly But Missing The Point

Something that the Whitehouse is missing in its effort to smooth over Benghazi is that this is not completely about blaming it on a YouTube video, this is about who gave the order to “stand down” and why. Yes there is culpability in the talking points being changed, but I see the real issue in the order to stand down and where, what, and why, was the President doing. And what did he and Hillary instruct their people to do during the attack.

If he was asleep on his way to Vegas to campaign and Hillary left everything up to subordinates as she slept, then they have some explaining to do.

Any White House edits made to talking points about the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya were merely “stylistic,” Obama spokesman Jay Carney insisted on Wednesday amid congressional hearings about the Sept. 11 strike that killed four Americans.

“The fact that there are inputs is always the case in a process like this,” Carney said. “Edits made by anyone at the White House were stylistic and not substantive. They corrected the description of the building… from consulate to diplomatic facility. Ultimately, this all has been discussed and reviewed and provided in enormous levels of detail by the administration to congressional investigators. The attempt to politicize the talking points again is part of an effort to chase after what isn’t the substance here.”

6 thoughts on “Jay Carney Spinning Wildly But Missing The Point

  1. I’ve read several blogs regarding the Benghazi horror.

    To any sensible person the two negligent persons are obviously Obama and Clinton. But as stated by numerous astute bloggers the Democrat machine will steamroll the current hearings and both of the “Guilty” parties will walk away from this debacle unscathed.

    It’s a shame when the bully gives you a bloody nose and you have to walk away because there is absolutely no one around to challenge the “system”.

    1. TJ – Unfortunately you are correct. Republicans continue to say the dam is about to break and the truth will be known. As of right now, Hillary Clinton is polling as the favorite for the 2016 Presidential race. And Bambam continues on his victory lap around the world for getting re-elected.

  2. What Toejam said +1.

    Any White House edits made to talking points about the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya were merely “stylistic”

    Stylistic?!? Oh my achin’ back…

  3. they(white house spokes-liar-person) are NOT missing the point. they are just lying and misdirecting. they know full well their crimes and they are just covering their crimes and the legacy media is helping them. ..as are those who state they are missing the point. NO IT IS YOU WHO IS MISSING THE POINT >

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