4 thoughts on “No Conspiracy Theory Needed….It’s Obvious

  1. An undocumented immigrant is a foreign invader, not a petty criminal that deserves a stint in jail. As a foreign invader, they should be assaulted by the US Army. Since the US Army can’t be deployed in the US, its up to the governors and their state national guards to combat them.

    I’ll bet it’ll be more popular than fragging wild boars with a minigun.

    1. I think its going to get worse than that. We have this really weird situation in our country where The People have one set of beliefs and feelings, and the people running things have a different one. The folks running things say they’re listening, but do whatever they want anyways. And we all just sit there and take it, as if there is no recourse?

  2. We should be using lead at the border as it is cheaper than the cost of housing and food. The crossings would stop quickly.

  3. We have to realize the Progressive Democrats are obsessed neurotics and have only one goal in mind. That’s crushing, subjugating and destroying any opponents. They eat, sleep and breath their strategies 24/7, 365.

    It will work and in the not-too-distant future there’ll be only one party. It’ll change its name from Democrat to “party of America”.

    Where’s the resistance?
    Forget the RNP.. A majority of Republican politicians are actually OK with a one-party system as long as they keep their money and an assamblance of authority

    The common folks are either too stupid to see what the results will be or they’re smart enough to see the only resolution is a huge organized violent uprising and they’re neither organized and realize any attempt will be crushed.

    Conclusion: The America we’ve known for decades will not exist

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