4 thoughts on “Year Over Year Math

    1. I believe he was pointing out that the media is saying inflation is down, but obviously, only the rate of inflation is down.

  1. But if you support the continued existence of the criminal and unaccountable Federal Reserve,, then you know that they work tirelessly to make sure that the inflation TAX STEALS a MINIMUM of 2% of your wealth EVERY YEAR COMPOUNDED. Inflation is a MONETARY effect, and 100% the fault of the Federal Reserve and the government. Only a sound currency, backed by gold, silver, or whatever the marketplace decides, can prevent the active destruction of the currency a central bank and a fiat currency enable.

  2. yeah. don’t really keep money in the bank anymore. most of it gets spent on canned food and other stuff that keeps. ammo has been good to get and hold on too as well. for barter.
    you be amazed at what I gotten done for a few boxes of ammo in the past few years. just a while ago, I got two good truck loads of red oak firewood for some surplus 7.62 ammo I bought back in the 1990’s at or close to 200 per 1k
    and he was VERY glad to get it too.
    gold and silver have their place, but ammo is handy and easy to barter. my 2 cents worth.

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