6 thoughts on “Seems accurate

  1. So, after, like, at least 4 years of it being totally obvious, one could argue 12-16 years… But after all we’ve all gone through in the last several years, all the KungFlu bullshit, now birdflu bullshit, election bullshit, J6 bullshit, 7-13 bullshit, bullshit on top of bullshit dressed with a side of bullshit… People still think they can go out some random Tuesday in November and make it all go away?
    They really haven’t grok’ed yet what’s been going on under the surface for the last decade or more?
    For the folks that rode on the short bus, lemme connect the dots: What you’re seeing is the clean-up phase of the communist take over of our government.

    Re-read that until you grok just wtf is going on in our country right now. SHE WILL BE INSTALLED AS THE NEXT PRESIDENT.
    You heard it here first!

  2. If I was a Dem voter who had voted in the primary for Biden I would be pissed that he is gone and they have inserted Harris. It was clear that Biden was this way for years and they hid it. Harris, the Dem Elites, and MSM knew it.

    Come the DNC Convention they will take away the Dem voter choice and the Dem Elites will pick who they want to run as President, which looks to be Harris. It shows they care nothing for the Dem voter and only want what the Dem Elites want – serfs to rule over. I would think any voter should not vote for any Dem in the General Election at any level.

  3. So just to make sure I understand all of that, Kneepads seems to be the perfect candidate to be a puppet for our rich elitist predator class.

  4. Yet untold millions of emotionally reacting nitwits who are offended by Trump’s mean tweets will vote for Ms. Twitwick. That plus a moderate cheat will result in a Obama 4th term and the end of the country I’ve known for the last 80+ years.

  5. On top of all the words used to describe her she is also an islam supporting FFBN libturd of the worst kind. Just piss off cumala.

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