5 thoughts on “Same Old Song And Dance My Friends

    1. Darn straight TINVOWOOT!
      Them are glowies pure and simple. Lot of them too, they infest everything. Gonna be something getting rid of them they are stuck like ticks in a hound, the obots managed to install over 7 million of them with salaries of 150 large plus bennies and up a year. They are agents and operatives who work directly for either order of the black sun, the black nobility or order of the dragons, the various Rothchillian bloodlines, they are Solomon’s downlines.
      And they all run the gangstalkers, who where created by one of the black nobilty families. All together it figures to hundreds of millions of these actors who are under the overall control of the vast surveillance machine which covers simply all of us good folks. Its a leech, a bloodsucking vampire feeding iff the vast filthy lucre the steal from us. It is terrible horrible thing, its this thing, a beast of a cabal which intrudes in almost every facet of the sphere of our lives in order to keep us its slaves. Yet, its running into serious problems, the money is all but run out, they lost control over the worlds financial system in 2007, by 2008 they where in real trouble, and since they have tried to compensate for that conduit of filthy lucre thru taking over every facet of illicit markets and sources, they run crypto as a pyramid scheme, even maintaining this fake Trump because he is a gigantic cash cow, but mostly they are stealing everything not nailed down, everything they can get their greedy meathooks on, and this source is about to dry up. Its said they have a kind of mind, whereby they see themselves as so superior to the rest of us, that if they can not have it all, nobobody will have anything. Some say they are possessed by something really dark and evil, might be something to it too, as those special bloodline families go back to Roman times and even before King Solomon, they rule the world of money and have all this time.

  1. The first and last thing all govt employees learn is to not answer any simple question that they know the answer to.

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