Long Read But Well Worth It

Long Read But Well Worth It


5 thoughts on “Long Read But Well Worth It

  1. Yaknow… it’s great that people are waking up and interested, but.. did you vote the current situation into power, or did it take it in a communist takeover in the middle of the night on vote-counting day?
    Sooo… why do you think ‘I’m voting for Trump!’ is going to make a difference this time?
    Do people not understand, that elections are meaningless?
    Your vote doesn’t count….errrr, rather, they don’t count your vote. The fact that massive election fraud happened is incontrovertible. Ask how Pennsylvania can order 1.2 million mail in ballots but count 1.5 million. There’s no debate, someone stuffed the ballot boxes, you don’t ‘find’ 300k ballots, the printer didn’t make that many over, it was fraud, plain and simple.
    And last I checked, we haven’t hung anyone for treason or vote tampering in a while, so what exactly is going to stop these people from doing it again?
    You’re all just pissing in the wind if you think the election is going to fix anything. You didn’t vote for the current situation either!

    1. I sort of agree with you but I find comfort in knowing that their cheating is limited, as shown by the 2016 election. DJT won by a much, much larger margin than was reported. It is the exact reason Killory was apoplectic that she’d lost after being assured that ‘the fix was in’. I’m thinking that there possibly won’t be a 2024 election due to there not being an infrastructure in place anymore that could support one.

      1. But nothing about voting has changed. Millions of (extra) mail in ballots are being printed. Even Drump said we have to embrace mail in.
        We’ll cheat harder than they cheat!
        Thats the path to victory?!?! Really?!?! I just want honest and fair elections. I’d abide by my guy losing if I knew it was free and fair. I KNOW its rigged, I won’t be playing the game.

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