8 thoughts on “Seems Legit

  1. Karma will not forget these “people”, neither will Murphy, and i will laugh when reality bites them on the ass.

  2. These assclowns flaunt their wealth while telling the masses we need to save the earth and cut back on energy use.

  3. I know, lets vote them out?
    Yes, people still believe that trollop!

  4. We are DOOMED as a society. When I say we it doesn’t include the 1% elite, of course. The prophetic writers of yore who brought us 1984, Soylant Green, Blade Runner and other views of the future were spot on. The biggest curse is that humans evolved with the ability to reason. No more just surviving and procreating like the “lower species”. Now we got emotionally reacting driven hate, wars and slaughter merely so some people can prove to themselves they’re better than others.

  5. These wealthy people in NYC are in a metro area that is dying because of their thoughts. More and more people are leaving as illegals and crime rise leading to less and less control. Wealthy people have security and also move to other places as needed.

  6. They will burn it all down to get rid of “the great unwashed” and rule over the ashes. When you’re a Satanic, Commiejoo, pedo, reptilian, point zero one percenter, you look at the world…differently.

  7. So if these people did not buy these “dresses” what happens to them? Put them in storage, or take them apart and make different “dresses” from them?

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