7 thoughts on “Just Sad

  1. This is all intentional, and most people have been blindly voting for this shit for decades, so don’t expect any sympathy.
    Reality’s a bitch.

  2. They don’t care.
    If you were black/Latino/Gay/LGBT they might throw you a bone.
    Even then, these “Newcomers” have more rights than all of you now.

  3. they want all of us to die anyway…they don’t care 2 shits about any of us…even their sheeple…they are just useful idiots to them…

  4. America is DOOMED. Because some sociopathic control freak elites (politicians and billionaires want to destroy a Constitutional Republic and turn independent people into peasants to satisfy their psychological needs. In the meantime, most Americans and future peasants are enjoying their bread & circus toys like smartphones, huge SUVs, pickups, pro sports while enjoying vicarious bashing others on social media and pretending to be Tiktok stars. Since I’m approaching 82, I feel about America’s destruction like I f climate change. I don’t give a shit.

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