Please Send Them A Message

Please Send Them A Message

On Wednesday, just a day after Chris Kyle’s burial, the Charlotte Sun Herald ran a political cartoon that took an obvioius jab at Second Amendment advocates’ insistence that “good guys with guns” are the best way to stop crazy shooters. The timing of such commentary was a classless act that disrespected Kyle’s family and all who’ve served their country. Read the rest here:

The slight also appears to be intentional. The cartoon, by Kansas City Star cartoonist Lee Judge, was originally published on Feb. 9 — three days before Kyle’s memorial service.

Here are the their e-mails. His boss, Miriam Pepper, at – let them know what you think. I just did and this is my e-mail.

To: Lee Judge and Miriam Pepper
In regards to your “American Sniper” cartoon:
I hope that you realize the reason you are free to spread your ignorant hate is because of people like Chris Kyle who have secured your 1st amendment rights. So the next time you depict something as mean spirited as that cartoon, please remember that heroes like Chris Kyle were willing to lay down there lives for your freedoms, unlike yourself hiding behind your desk like most liberal cowards. I should not be surprised that a progressive moron would come up with such a disrespectful image.
There a quite a few more things that I would wish upon you but I was raised to respect other peoples feelings….Now Go Fuck Yourself.
ps: Tell your Editor Miriam Pepper I hope her legs grow together.


3 thoughts on “Please Send Them A Message

  1. Nice work on your email to them Jeff. These turds are the lowest form of life on the planet. They’re bottom-feeders; spending every waking moment of their worthless lives feeding off of nothing but shit, so naturally the only thing coming out of them is shit.

    There’s a special place in hell for both of these worthless assholes…

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