14 thoughts on “Unreal

  1. mom always said people have only the power you GIVE them over you. after that, I seem to become a problem to some people. fuck them.
    and fuck the stupid mask clowns too. the only time I wore the damn mask is when I had to.
    to see my VA doc. and that is it. picking up my pills there, I didn’t wear one and told the Va cops to fuck off too. God ,people are fucking stupid !

      1. not too far from altoona in the hills. life is better in the woods. it really away from the mass of morons.

    1. She said she IS a lawyer. I have a lawyer, 500 bucks you could have one too. BEING a lawyer, is very different (when you’re a cop, discussing legal matters – the lawyer had 6 years in college to learn this stuff, cop went to an 18 week training class).’

      And yes, this will be on the final exam.

      The one that always trips me up, “Private Property”, lets the owner do whatever the fuck they want.

  2. She should take $2k out to another bank and start an account. In about 2 weeks do a wire transfer of all the rest of her money.

  3. “I don’t wear a mask for health reasons” works instantly, even in hospitals that still push the stupid.
    They are not allowed to ask you what those health reasons are or they can be sued. AND THEY KNOW IT.
    If they ask or push the mask still, get their names and positions within the company and tell them you will sue the company and them personally. I’ve never had to do this and have never worn a mask.
    Every HR department has warned their employees about this, from corporations to universities.

    BTW, I would have told the manager to cut me a cashiers check, despite knowing that most banks have several million cash on hand at all times.

  4. I can’t wait until my mortgage is paid off so I can get out from under WF. I didn’t ask for this, they bought my mortgage out from another company.

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