When Does The Shoe Drop?

When Does The Shoe Drop?

When do we finally stand up and kick ’em all out?
When do we decry the Department of Homeland Security request for 21.6 million rounds of ammunition?
When do we stand up and tell LGTB that the Boy Scouts are off-limits for them?
When do we call Senator Rubio and tell him the State Of The Union rebuttal is to be done in English?
When do we demand voters to show ID not only to register, but to vote?
When do we call Hillary/Panetta/Obama and demand all communications from the Benghazi murders?
When do we bring slander charges against the MSM for deliberately editing video for political purposes?
When do we bring slander charges against “race baiters” Sharpton and Jackson for hate speech?
When do we demand that ICE follow the law and deport illegals who have overstayed visas, have committed a crime, or came here by crossing illegally?
When do we boycott movies by Hollywood’s hypocritical celebrities who are anti-2nd amendment, but their movies depict gun violence?
When do we let the American public vote on what benefits our elected officials get?
When do we DEMAND that the federal government balance the budget immediately, not in 20 years when all is lost.
When do we put a time limit on welfare?
When do we get a choice on whether to pay into Social Security?

When do we change the status quo?

5 thoughts on “When Does The Shoe Drop?

  1. Ahh, there is the dilemma.

    When? When is it time to rise? When is it time to say; ” This fucking far and not a step farther”?

    O and his Marxist friends found that line to be the recent assault on the 2A. Notice how the MSM has backed off, after the highest surge in gun and ammo sales ever recorded. America is preparing for war. They may not voice it this way but they know, things are fucked up and they don’t want to be unprepared for whatever is coming. A total panic engulfed Americans.

    Expect the O admin and the MSM to back off, let the pressure dissipate before they try for more gun bans. They’ll never get em though, imho.

    They know, detrimental to their plan, they’ve awakened a portion of the sleeping giant. Expect more mass shootings, especially of kids, to try to rally those unheralded sheep to their cause. I hope and doubt it will work. They fucked up, big time and they know it.

    All patriots are awaiting the signal to rise, Sadly, that call will not be clear. Nor what Patriots should do to resist. This is the problem.

    If I was Patriot commander, and made the call to rise. What should I recommend patriots do to take the country back?

    Well, the MSM has been taken over so news cannot be trusted. Anywhere any violence takes place, patriots, survivalists and freedom minded folks are implicated by the propaganda.

    What can one do? I’ve no idea. I do have an idea where one could start. From the bottom up. Reform locally before going nationally. Reform has many meanings to many citizens. That’s the best way I can say it. Reform of the MSM propagandists is paramount. After that, local gov reform, then county, then state and up the ladder we go.

    Stand for your rights is the most important. When will the call to arms go out? I don’t know, but it will be epic. Maybe a NY incident, who knows but watch for it, do the work, travel the distance, be ready to protect the 2A with your life.

    That is all for now.

    1. JD – It is apparent that the voting out the bad ones does not work. All the elections seem to be fixed by redrawn district lines or outright voter fraud. So this is not “We The People” anymore.

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