6 thoughts on “Military Aged Males

  1. I recall the movie, Gangs of New York, when the Union impressed Irish imigrants right off the boat to fight in the civil war. Think this might be a great idea for the illegals coming in now for the soon to be war with the Ruskies.

  2. having a war with Russia is insane. and about all of the illegals coming here, they going to be part of the new federal police force here at home.
    or they end up as gangs that rape and rob us.
    as soon as the 2200 per month stops, they go hunting for you and your stuff. they want o break the system so they can rebuild what they want.
    for that to happen, the dollar must fall. if you thought the 1930’s were bad, hold on you haven’t seen anything yet. and crime will go thru the roof too. these illegals are not here for jobs. they want the free shit.

  3. It’s not worth getting your knickers in a twist over it now. It’s been planned for decades, it’s happening and it will succeed. America as we’ve know it is DOOMED. Neurotic Progressive elites are like 5 year old children who will destroy their favorite to rather than share it.

  4. Without the Military down at the border inflicting physical harm to the invaders and Mexico there will be no change. This will not happen under the Dems and UNIPARTY.

    If the 2024 election is stolen I believe we will have CW2. This will likely lead to tracking of illegals in the country and hunting them out.

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