2 thoughts on “True

  1. At least those that went there on behalf of a man were also pardoned by that man.

    After all, they were the most worthy of pardoning, being little old ladies and farmers and such. Those being pardoned should be those wrongfully prosecuted, right?

    Didn’t Ford mass-pardon all the draft dodgers when the Vietnam non-war wound down?

    Wouldn’t be a good look to not mass-pardon your most ardent supporters while pardoning all your big donors and former employees of everything they’ve been convicted of, dead people like Susan B. Anthony and drug smugglers, or other political hacks like Scooter Libby.

    At least butt-sex is legal in Botswana and bump-stocks are banned in the US, while a favorite quote is “Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early.”

    At least the internet has a memory longer than a goldfish if one seeks information.

    1. Funny you should bring up Ford…the only other president to be ‘appointed’ to the office, not elected.

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