14 thoughts on “Whatever it takes

  1. Exactly like they did last week with the “record” temp in the “Gulf of Mexico”, by going into an area right along the shore of the southern tip of the Everglades and sticking a probe into water several inches deep, with dark muck on the bottom.

    Fuck them and their WEF masters. Melon popping season approaches quickly.

  2. I got a feeling climate change, whether real or scammed, is going to be the least of our worries fairly soon

    1. Yeah, that open border allowing every “bad player” from around the globe into the country just might pre-empt the whole “1.5C” narrative when shit starts blowing up in heavily-trafficed civilian centers. (Read: Malls, theaters, restaurants, airports, stadiums…)

  3. They don’t even have to move them. Even if they were originally situated in ideal locations, civilisation has expanded and redefined those location.

  4. I took a class in UCLA back in the mid 70s that was to give me some social requirements to my Electrical Engineering. The class was Physical Geometry and it taught me the weather patterns and what is we are breathing, how the plates of the world are and they move, how we have volcanos, and what is oil and how is coming out of the ground and sea.

    Further we learned how the temp readings were limited and past readings were in many times in locations that were more rural but they are now very urban and concrete plus usually by jet planes making extra heat reading. Plus there is many locations internationally without temp readings.

  5. I’ve noticed this scam recently watching the evening TV news/weather report. The meteorologist uses one of those $15 digital thermometers to take the sidewalk’s temperature then screeches OMG it’s 140F!

    1. Yep. As if concrete never reached 140F in 1920. The “official” temperature station at Tampa International Airport has been in pretty much the same spot since the place was in the green hinterlands outside the city. It’s now surrounded by miles of concrete and asphalt and, get this, it’s located EXACTLY where the jets turn and hold before entering the runway for take-off. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along….

  6. In addition to all of the truths above, temperature sensing equipment is drastically under represented in the coldest regions of the earth.

  7. Boosts talked about this back in the day. He revealed weather stations were being placed at the end of airport runways. I’m surprised people don’t know about this.

  8. What I have seen is not they are moving them, but urban sprawl surrounds them with the stuff you point out. The result is most are now found in urban heat islands and they are just as useless in the winter as well.

  9. Let’s see if this works.

    27.9633171, -82.5400314

    That’s the location of the “official” weather station for the entire Tampa area. If you can get it to come up correctly, tell me that those sensors aren’t being massively influenced by urban sprawl, concrete runways and/or jet engine exhaust.

    I’ll be waiting for Mikey “Hockey Stick” Mann to write up another Nobel prize-winning fantasy, explaining that the folks who could build an atomic bomb, using only pencils and drafting tables, couldn’t accurately read a thermometer.

  10. In Phoenix the “official” temperature comes from Sky Harbor airport – miles of tarmac surrounded by a few million people. Meanwhile, 50 miles out in the burning desert, we’re enjoying temperatures 5-10 degrees cooler. Not that you might consider 112 “cool”, but I’ll take what I can get.

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