Just Do It Phil!

Just Do It Phil!

Yeah I know he is a Callaway guy not Nike, but for my little rant it works.

Phil decided to vent his frustration about high taxes last week, and then explained he won’t discuss it because of the backlash. To bad, he should be able to say he is getting screwed. It is the perfect model to explain to the public in layman’s terms what the affluent are dealing with. How many people have jobs because of Phil Mickelson and his charities, course design, and other business interests?

“If you add up all the federal and you look at the disability and the unemployment and the Social Security and state, my tax rate is 62, 63 percent,” Mickelson said. “So I’ve got to make some decisions on what to do.”

Len Burman, a contributor to Forbes magazine and Professor from Syracuse University decides to tell him to “quit whining”. Shame on you Mr. Burman. You are the problem, not the solution. Professor Burmans thoughtful analysis on Phil’s decision to complain:

Do you have any idea how lucky you are?

Please stop whining and give thanks for being able to earn a fabulous living playing a game and selling golf clubs (even after tax).  99.999% of people would never have that option, no matter how hard they worked on their swing.

Shame on you Forbes, I thought you were pro business. And Mr. Burman, I hope you get fired for being such a communist. Read the article here, and then read the comments. Burman gets roasted by about 99.99% of the comments, which is appropriate.
Oh by the way, this is what Governor Rick Perry had to say to Phil:  
Hey Phil….Texas is home to liberty and low taxes…we would love to have you as well !!
And check out Breitbart



2 thoughts on “Just Do It Phil!

  1. I’ve always thought Phil was a stand-up kinda guy. Leaving Kommiefornia is not only a wise financial decision, it’s common sense! Burman is a douchebag of the highest order for that stupid comment, but it pisses me off Mickelson felt he had to apologize for his comments. Maybe he was pressured by his sponsors or somebody who could financially put a hurt on him, but I would’ve stuck to my guns and stood behind my comment and told everyone else to go F themselves…

    1. Yeah I wish Phil would have stuck with it. Best thing he can do now is move, then gush about his new tax priendly environment.

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