6 thoughts on “A Little Late But I’ll Take It

  1. Abbott needs to stick to his guns on this. Jan Brewer in AZ backed down to BHO in 2012. This fake administration doesn’t follow the rule of law or even rulings from the SC so why should we be bound by those same rules. Pull this crap on them. And since I am from Texas, I believe in the #Texit strategy anyway. Secede!

  2. One ya’ll need to know.
    He invoked the clause but there STILL IS NO CONSEQUENCES for the illegals. He talked tough to win and now that he has, he is back to predictable wishy washy self.

    1. How soon should consequences manifest? I’d be happy to see some deterrence immediately, but it’s only been a few days at this point. It’s not like Abbot needed to talk tough on this issue. O’Rourke wasn’t going to win short of Abbot threatening to take away Texans guns and give them to the invaders.

      I suppose we’ll see. At this point I’ve pretty much given up all hope for Western Civilization.

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