You Need Look No Further….

You Need Look No Further….

…for the reason government at all levels need to be separated from unions. If these people in New York can’t see the fleecing of the taxpayer in this one instance, then surely we have passed the tipping point.

How in the world can you justify $6,900.00 per student for bus transportation? Administrators, buses, fuel, and the drivers themselves most assuredly have a cost associated with them, but 1.1 billion per year? This is bus transportation for school kids! And this kind of thing happens at all levels of government when dealing with the unions.
I read somewhere last year that union custodians in New York make more than the teachers. I think the politicians need to be riding the short bus to economics 101.

New York City Schools Spend $6,900 Per Student – on Bus Transportation!

Government schools are an expensive endeavor, especially when union labor and no-bid contracts are involved.

The New York City Department of Education has been catching heat from transportation unions lately over a decision to solicit bids for private transportation services in an effort to curtail runaway costs.

The district has not sought “significant” bids for student transportation services in 33 years. That means it’s probably been using the same companies for years, without competitive bids to naturally control rising costs.

And those costs are increased every year because the companies use high-paid union drivers.

In response to the union criticism, the DOE recently issued a “School Bus Bids FAQ” which makes a staggering admission: the city spends $6,900 per student (for a total of $1.1 billion) per year for bus transportation.

In a 180 day school year, that’s $38.33 per student a day. At that rate it might be more cost-effective for the school system to distribute vouchers for kids to take taxis.

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