Beyond Fishy – 2000 Mules

Beyond Fishy – 2000 Mules

10 thoughts on “Beyond Fishy – 2000 Mules

  1. I do not watch Fox anymore as I do not watch any of the channels ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. I get my news from the internet and streaming sites. Corporate Media is totally corrupt and has been for such a long time.

  2. Newsmax is pretty good, if you can get it on streaming (Roku has it). It shows things the MSM does not, but the anchors are mediocre.

  3. they stole the election and everyone knows it that is not in denial and pays attention, but just like everything else; you flood the system with enough distractions and in enough time, everyone moves on and they get away with it, even stealing an election of the worlds most powerful country.
    afghan. – left it a mess, who asks about it now ? the mess that the entire country of ukraine has become already on the back page. govt is an evil thing and if it gets bigger as it has for decades; its just capable for more evil.

  4. “Why haven’t any of these people been arrested yet?” because they’re going to be needed for the ’22 & ’24 election, that’s why.

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