5 thoughts on “Yup

  1. Last week here on the Olympic Peninsula, gas went from 4.02 to 4.72 overFUCKINGnight.

    Remember when gas would jump 3 or 4 cents overnight and you’d be like, fuck this? Seems so quaint.

  2. I guess you are not old enough to remember the Jimmy Carter Presidency. Biden’s time will get worse for the USA especially after the midterms. Biden was installed to destroy the USA and he is brain dead, so who ever is running the country is on a quest and they are succeeding.

    Congress has to know who is doing this so if we are to remain a country we must vote out all existing that are up for re-election that have not tried to get rid of Biden.

    1. JG – Actually I’m old enough to remember the Lyndon Johnson presidency, and all the POTUS to follow. I can tell you that every single time inflation racked American pocket books it was caused by government policies. Every single time.

  3. reports out now of gas stolen from gas stations and gas tanks. a hundred dollars worth of gas is worth stealing and you know youre about as likely to be prosecuted for it as you will win the lottery.

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