7 thoughts on “Just a Reminder….Democrats Hate You For 2016…..

  1. not so fast. credit the congressional gop for getting right in that bed. wisconsin came up with over 100,000 ballots overnight mostly for biden and biden had a record turnout more than obama never questioned. the gop officials are giving in pretty dam easy every step on the way to socialism imo.

  2. When you see on election night across the nation vote counting stop at the same time and then a couple hours later it starts up a couple hours later with Biden suddenly ahead in all swing states nothing is correct. This was planned and media was part of it as no media questioned it.

    Later you see video from Georgia of people pulling out ballots from hidden areas, and stuffing of mail in ballots. Also video of Philly blocking Republican vote monitors. Now we learn of issues in Wisconsin of stuffing of mail in ballots. We learned on problems in Arizona of voting done by people in various areas, some no longer living in state, and foreigners.

  3. The people in the top two pictures are enemies in the vein of hitler, and should be considered legitimate targets in a shooting civil war, right after main stream media, who are the first targets.

  4. William Coughlin of bigcountryexpatoriginal.blogspot.com and Phil (last name unknown) of bustednuckles.net continue to harass me and my friends and threaten our lives. Willy and Philly keep starting new blogs to delete the evidence of them harassing me and my friends and threatening our lives. Do the right thing and weed out these individuals from our conservative movement. Willy has posted pro-Nazi content on his blog and Philly has posted anti-Black content on his blog. We are better than that. We are better than that.

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