Nothing….They Have Done Nothing

Nothing….They Have Done Nothing

Since politicians can’t get out of each others way they passed a “fiscal cliff ” bill that does nothing. The entire reason for the deal was to get away from a sequestration law that was passed last year, to force the same politicians to CUT SPENDING!

Instead, they add 360 billion in more debt, and cut spending on programs that were not going to be used anyway.  If the CBO is the final word on costs, then why don’t they see that this deal is not a deal, it is extortion. And we are going to go through these deadlines every few months or so for the forseeable future. The Obama regime is quite adept at making these deadlines seem like a republican failure, and if they don’t vote with the democrats, somehow it is the republicans fault for terrible things happening to the middle class, seniors, and children. I can see why the GOP did what they did, but they gained nothing, and set themselves up for the same thing every couple of months.

The president spoke almost the entire 50-minute meeting, telling Republicans that if he did not get an agreement he liked, he would spend the next four years blaming them for what could turn into a global recession. The blame game would begin in earnest with his Inaugural Address and would follow up with a repeat performance in the State of the Union, a GOP source recalled. If they deny him now, he said, he would block future spending cuts for the next four years. “I put $800 billion on the table. What do I get for that?” Boehner asked. “You get nothing. I get that for free,” said Obama, adding that would not raise the Medicare eligibility age or cut Medicaid.

The only way out is for the people who voted for Obama to feel the pain of his policies. That is why voting to extend long-term unemployment benefits hurts the GOP. Not because of the billions paid by the taxpayer, (which sucks), but because it does not force an outcry from the public about the lack of jobs, it masks the very problem Obama has not fixed….. the economy stupid.


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