Hollywood Hypocrites and Hillary

Hollywood Hypocrites and Hillary

Hillary now has a blood clot? I don’t beleive it for a second and I wonder what she is stalling for. If she expires then I will apologize for my assumption, but this timing is pretty convenient for whatever reason. That or she is putting off the her eventual perjury conviction.

And for all of the Actors who make their living off of gun viloence yet preach to us about gun control.  Kiss My Ass!!

2 thoughts on “Hollywood Hypocrites and Hillary

  1. The sad thing is that actors/musicians have this feeling of superiority which in turn forces a desire to show compassion for whatever is the hot issue of the day. Global warming, gun control, gay & lesbian…blah, blah, blah. And in their little fake world they live in, they beleive they are amking a difference. Idiots.

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