12 thoughts on “John Kerry Is A Traitor And Should Be Treated As Such

  1. Kerry is probably the stupidest person on the face of the earth with his comment about reducing CO2 emissions to zero and sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere. What a moron. How are trees, grass, weeds and other plants supposed to grow and produce food. I guess he has never heard of photosynthesis. Does this man have a brain? He seems to peg out the stupid meter every day. Same for the screw up running the CDC. They are the epitome of bureaucratic incompetence. The more they screw up, the higher they go.

  2. Kerry can be charged with treason if he’s found to be working actively with a hostile government.

    Or even with a friendly government if he’s actively working against US laws, policies and actions.

    But then again, Kerry has skated several times on treasonous charges.

    1. > Kerry can be charged with treason if he’s found to be working actively with a hostile government.
      > Or even with a friendly government if he’s actively working against US laws, policies and actions.

      Correct. Case in point is the Rosenbergs who were sent to the electric chair for conspiring to pass US atomic secrets to the Soviets. There was no declared war with Russia.

    2. So … Kerry was telling Iran — a nobody insofar as US interests are concerned — about crap that israel — a known spy on the US and manipulator of our Government — is pulling …

      Remember, israel IS the hostile government in most things for decades …

      So … just where is Kerry doing anything against US interests, let alone being guilty of treason?

      Remember … israel is our enemy, too, in many ways — read up on all the things they’ve done against the US since probably the JFK assassination.

      1. Nonsense. The Klan still hates Jewish folks, I guess. Even when Israel is our best friend in the Mideast, and often shares military improvements to the hardware we sell them. Despite Obama interfering in their elections. BTW, all nations “spy” on all other nations. But it’s the hostile ones you really need to worry about, because their spying is to harm us. Israel’s spying was to benefit their own defenses, not harm the US.

        Iran, on the other hand, is a belligerent hostile nation to the US, launches missiles at our troops in Iraq, seizes US Navy personnel in international waters, plots terrorist attacks against US servicemen on a regular basis, and has rigged a mockup of a US carrier to practice attacks on.

        Willful ignorance is no excuse, Anthony. Wise up.

        1. So … just what is your explanation for what the israeli military did to the USS Liberty — as well as the United States caving in to them by threatening to imprison any of the crew of the USS Liberty who dared to talk about that event with the media or to write about it?

  3. Just because there is no FORMAL declaration of war doesn’t meant that one isn’t under way.
    Iran has been working towards the destruction of America OPENLY since they INVADED OUR EMBASSY in 1979…an ACT OF WAR. Therefore by any REASONABLE definition Kerry is guilty of treason and needs to hang.

  4. Not since Benedict Arnold has there been a high government official that has sold out his country.
    Enter John Forbes Kerry.
    The man has been craping on his country since 1971.

    Love to see this traitor dancing at the end of a rope.

  5. There used to be fine line between treasonous American-hating traitor and Demon-Rats.

    But now there is no longer any difference at all!!!

  6. When Kerry went to Iran and told them to wait out the Trump administration, why the hell wasn’t he charged under the Logan Act? The same act that the demoncrats were trying to go after Trump junior with after the election?

    I’m really tired of the Party of Stupid constantly trying to play nice with the party of evil.

  7. dont waste rope on him, just walk him down to the potomac and hold him under until the bubbles stop(and do the same with pelosi, schumer and probably about 50 others in congress)

  8. Something I have never understood about all this… why do we care so much about Israel? I prefer we just let Israel and Iran fight their own battles. I know that’s not at all popular opinion, but I bet if you ask people opposed to it most wouldn’t be able to tell you why we protect Israel as much as we do.

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