I’ll Take “Shit That Never Happened” for $500 Alex

I’ll Take “Shit That Never Happened” for $500 Alex

Just about had a gut full of this insurrection bullshit.

My thoughts on what happened:

  1. Antifa and BLM thugs planned the breach with help from Dem operatives.
  2. President Trump did nothing to incite anyone in his speech.
  3. Mayor Bowser and Democrats in charge of securing the Capitol had a meager police presence, why?
  4. Staged agitators with media taking pics seems…..odd.
  5. A real insurrection would be extremely violent, this ain’t it.
  6. I didn’t here about any protesters arrested for being armed.
  7. The only gun that was used was by a capitol policeman that killed Ashli Babbitt.
  8. The pipe bombs were at the DNC and RNC headquarters, behind them, in an alley. Were they real?

I believe this was planned from the beginning. As soon as Trump announced he would speak at the rally on the 6th democrats called on their foot soldiers to dress as Trump supporters and wreak whatever havoc they could. I think Pelosi and Bowser let these people into the capitol knowing full well what the optics would be.

These politicians know they have the media in their pockets and the talking heads will say whatever the liberal script is. Pay the agitators, let them in, take pictures and video, plaster it all over television, faux outrage, blame Trump, then list his supporters as domestic terrorists.

It’s all a lie.
The 2020 election was stolen.
We are tax cattle….they may have to put a few of us down if we keep busting down the fence.






4 thoughts on “I’ll Take “Shit That Never Happened” for $500 Alex

  1. Compare the Jan. 6 Capital protest vs. the Benghazi attack and see if those ‘protesters’ were different from Jan. 6 crowd in Washington. Flags, banners and cameras set to ‘selfie’ are not comparable to firearms and RPGs carried by Benghazi. And a YouTube tape inspired that ?

    C’mon man !!

  2. It is a fight between the Deplorables and the Gullibles. The Democrats flooded media with the insurrection narrative while simultaneously deplatforming anyone who could contradict the narrative with first hand evidence. Couple that with an impeachment (how could they have been ready for that?) to put everyone on the defensive…

  3. I will have to dig through my vast files, but the shooter’s name is something like David or Daniel Garcia. From Brazil. Was involved in the softball shooting a few years ago and was given an award by President Trump. Photos of him with a busted wing. Was ID’d using a unique bracelet he wears. I’m surprised no one else posted this. It’s been out. I will look. Peace.

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