And Here We Are

And Here We Are

And here we are in 2021. The heirs of Ayers, BLM and Antifa, have bombed, napalmed and lain waste to at least a dozen cities across the nation, only this time with the approval of, and quite probably at the behest of the Democrat Party, with the same goal: the overthrow and destruction of the United States. And once again, Ivy League eggheads with doctorates are talking about re-education camps. And Bill Ayers is still tied at the hip to Barack Hussein Obama. And Barack Hussein Obama orchestrated the coup that wound up not only sabotaging President Trump, but finally overthrowing a nation, society and a people that he despises.

When Titty Caca AOC blathers on about “truth and reconciliation” commissions, and Robert Reich as well as other incompetent little Eichmanns of his ilk parroting Ayers and foaming at the mouth in orgasmic anticipation of “re-education camps,” to laugh at this – especially in light of what we have seen with our own eyes this past year – is to be dangerously out of touch. As sick and twisted as these people are, they have captured the government and all its instrumentalities of law enforcement. There are no more firewalls. The only thing that can sate a will to power is absolute power.

Dangerous times ahead.

From Aces Place

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