11 thoughts on “Nothing To See Here….Move Along

  1. I used to like the Bush family, but that was before their masks fell off and they were revealed to be wholly-owned subsidiaries of the NWO. Fuck Jeb! and anyone still associated with him. He’s cut from the same cloth as Charlie Crist, Mittens Romney and Paul Ryan— Snakes in the grass, the lot of them, willing to say and do anything for power and money. The sooner they see the grass roots, the better.

    The time for the Fourth Box is nigh.

  2. His comment about it being physically impossible for the machines to switch a vote is accurate. Software…

    If only there were people who’s job is to follow up on basic questions like this and objectively report their findings to the public.

  3. Steel is lying. My understanding is the good guys have one of the servers that Dominion was using in Europe. There’s a good reason why Dominion has shut down it’s Denver and Toronto offices and a good many of its “executives” have left the country. If what Powell is saying is backed up in court, and I have no reason to believe anyone with her professional reputation would say anything they couldn’t back up, then there are a number of election officials that will find themselves behind the wall of the big house.

    1. Mariana Trench abysmal. It’s high time a BUNCH of these communist pricks do serious prìson time. Better yet, hang their treasonous asses from the trees lining the National Mall, as a warning to the rest of their fellow travelers.

  4. I doubt if here is more than a couple dozen honest American patriots in the GOP hierarchy. The vast majority are nothing but cowardly finger puppets for the left.

    1. second. in 2018 and 2020, the only republican congress and senate candidates should be those with a trump or tea party history. if AOC and schumer can be in congress, anyone can do that job

  5. what Larry said +1. the machine only does what it’s told to do. (from another site) the Oligarchy’s party is the Janus Party. two faces on the same beast. as an old time preacher said, the D’s want more power to pour more money down the drain, the R’s want more power to make more efficient drains.

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