9 thoughts on “There Is No Adequate Explanation

  1. Of course they are arrogant. COVID was all a psych-op to see what conservatives would tolerate. When they saw that we didn’t so much as whimper when they closed our churches, bars, and sporting events ( all places where conservatives congregate) and excepted our masks (muzzles) they knew they could pull it off.

  2. It’s time for necks to stretch and melons to pop. CW2 was forced upon us by the Marxists. They started it, we need to finish it with extreme prejudice. They stepped off the porch thus past Spring and we need to finish them off.

  3. This is a blatant coup. They aren’t even TRYING to hide the fraud. They are SO certain they control EVERY mechanism of enforcement that they can openly commit all manner of crimes with zero concern for suffering any consequences. And guess what…. THEY ARE CORRECT. They own the FBI, the JustUs Department, Judges by the HUNDREDS and virtually EVERY talking head in the media. The left can…..and have….committed ALL manner of crimes with zero consequences. Fraud on an industrial scale never seen before is simply ONE MORE CRIME they know they will get away with.

  4. After defrauding the entire planet with the Covid-crap, why is everyone so surprised they’ve tried defrauding the entire planet with a fake election?

    We let them get away with it. We didn’t stand up and say “No”, we just blindly accepted their diktats. We are to blame.

    Even out here in the boonies I see covidiots driving with a mask on. You’re in your own fucking car wearing a mask. They’ve been programming the population for decades and they feel the time is right to move to the next level.

    Who’s going to stop them?

  5. I read it somewhere else, but the Hillary comment from 4 years ago is the tell: we’ll all swing from nooses.
    If they win the election, it all gets swept under the rug and goes away. Decades of it.
    If Trump wins snd is a ‘lame duck’ with nothing to lose? And he exposes their criminality?
    So, pull out all the stops, hold nothing back, its for all the marbles here.

    1. NOTHING will happen to the criminals on the left no matter WHAT Trump brings to light. And for the same reason NOTHING will happen to them for committing felony voting fraud on an industrial scale. The left OWNS the FBI, the JustUs Dept. They own COUNTLESS black robed pirates who rule the way they are told to rule to aid the left, there are countless swamp apparatchiks in positions to gum up any effort at justice and the lame stream media whores are nothing but the propaganda wing for the left. There ISN’T anyone in a position of authority to investigate and prosecute the criminal left that THEY DON’T OWN.

  6. the fault lies on the ignorant and apathetic. despite the democrats having no platform to sell and a candidate that inspired no one, they still had more votes by a couple million which made it possible to steal, and they did.
    if enough americans paid attention or cared to the country today’s democrat president is going to lay on them, there would have been no why to steal as trump would have won the popular vote by 10 million.
    the ignorant and apathetic are about to get what they deserve for being so, unfortunately the rest of us do too.

    1. We are never going to know how many votes Trump got nor how many the CREATED for Biden.
      But remember…..Trump rally’s drew THOUSANDS of attendees. Biden had trouble drawing a hundred. That’s a good indication that in an honest election Trump would have won in a LITERAL LANDSLIDE. But that wasn’t going to happen. Ever since the 2000 Bush/Gore debacle the left has worked nonstop to manufacture a system that allows them to TOTALLY remove the REAL voters from the equation and replace it with however many votes THEY decide they need to win. And that is exactly what they did. Why the hell do you think that all those states just STOPPED counting ballots for several hours in the wee hours of the morning. It was so they could crunch the numbers to learn how many Trump votes to destroy and how many Biden votes to manufacture. This isn’t complicated, it isn’t rocket surgery. It’s plan, blatant open corruption. They did it and they DIDN’T EVEN TRY TO HIDE IT.

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