5 thoughts on “Obey

  1. Do not go against the narrative. They will crush you at every turn just because you do not succumb to their ideals. Did they have legal ability to access private land to remove the sign or are they so arrogant that they are the supreme rulers of the known universe and can do whatever they want. I vote for the latter. The left again shows what it is about. I doubt that they would have taken the same action if it was a Biden sign.

  2. there was also a story about how a local county official cut his fingers on a trump sign some guy put on the bottom of the sign because it kept getting taken, supposedly it was too close to the street per city ordinance. i have seen political signs all over, first time i heard one being pulled because it was too close to the street

    if i were rush limbaugh or sean hannity and had a real megaphone, i would urge any trump folks that have property facing streets or highways to put up a sign or trump in big letters, let those local tyrants know you are not their puppet !

  3. The sign was taken down for health reasons. Too many soys were having panic attacks and had no safe space on the freeway.

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