3 thoughts on “Rage Against The Machine

  1. The Deep State is Deep. I think there’s a better chance of surviving a leap into a black-hole than the Washington D.C. slimes seeing a court room let alone the inside of a gaol.

  2. Sadly I agree with Toejam.
    What we need is some good old fashioned French Revolution in this country!
    We The People have to start lopping heads off and stringing them up from tall tree’s by their neck! The disease has infected the system, it can’t be cured. It must be excised with a sharp scalpel, and the remainder nuked into oblivion on a cellular level.

    1. The French Revolution was the beginning of the campaign to end Christ’s Europe. Nuns and priests were beheaded just because they were Christian. It was the beginning of liberalism and the control over freedom, not a good thing. There was widespread killings of people that didn’t go along with the “new thinking.” I get your sentiment on wanting to do something about the deep state but not by using the example of the French Revolution. We need a return to “old-fashioned” values here in America, purge the socialists/communists/liberals into oblivion, and return to true freedom. Also, mass deportations of third world people needs to be implemented. This country used to be 90% white, for those old enough to remember, then the libs got their way and started to “fundamentally transform” America. Sounds racist? So what, we used to like to be around our own kind. Just ask our forefathers.

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